Dr James Allan is an expert in plastic surgery of the face and body and prides himself on staying up to date with the latest advances and technologies to help you achieve your desired cosmetic results. Dr Allan knows choosing cosmetic surgery can be a sensitive decision and treats all patients with discretion and respect.

Dr Allan specialises in providing the following cosmetic procedures:

  • Nose surgery - Rhinoplasty

  • Eyelid surgery - Blepharoplasty

  • Facelift, Neck lift, and Brow lift

  • Tummy tuck - Abdominoplasty

  • Body surgery and liposuction

  • Body lift after extreme weight loss

If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, Dr Allan will work with you to understand your goals and develop a realistic yet personalised surgical plan. As of July 1, 2023, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) requires a psychological assessment of all patients seeking cosmetic procedures before surgery. This new requirement ensures patients are suitable for cosmetic surgery and identifies whether they may have an underlying psychological condition.

Our staff at Plastic Surgery Queensland can walk you through the psychological assessment tool, which takes the form of a questionnaire and can answer any questions on this new requirement. As of July 1, 2023, all cosmetic consultations require a referral from your General Practitioner and do not qualify for Medicare rebates.

  • Reshaping your nose is a powerful way to improve facial balance and aesthetics or enhance nasal and airway functionality. Dr Allan will work with you to develop a plan to reshape and realign your nose while explaining all components of the procedures and which operative steps are the best fit for you.

  • Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can create a more youthful look by removing excess skin or fat and treating the muscle on your upper eyelid. This will also help to improve your vision if eyelid skin drapes on your lashes. If you suffer from this issue and an Optometrist has examined you, you may be eligible for a rebate from your private health fund for this procedure.

  • As our faces age, skin quality, volume, fat, and underlying skeleton change, leading to the appearance of tiredness and loss of youthfulness. A facelift requires high technical skill and advanced surgical techniques to achieve the best results. You can combine this procedure with a neck lift, tightening the skin and lifting the tissue to restore contour and improve the angle between your neck and jaw.

  • Abdominoplasty, or ‘tummy tuck’, is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the abdomen. Abdominoplasty is both cosmetic and reconstructive in nature and is commonly sought out after significant weight loss, pregnancy, or natural ageing to treat loose skin, excess fat, or weak stomach muscles.

    An abdominoplasty can help you achieve a more toned and proportionate midsection by removing excess skin and fat from your lower abdomen while tightening underlying muscles. While it’s important to remember this is a major surgical procedure that needs adequate recovery, the long-lasting benefits can be rewarding.

    If you’re considering abdominoplasty, you may be eligible for a rebate from your private health fund. Take a look at the required criteria for more information.